Quartz glass rods and quartz glass tubes

Quartz glass tubes made from natural raw materials are used in a wide variety of applications and in temperature ranges up to 1,200 °C.
Quartz glass rods are used, among others, as stirring tools in aggressive liquids and as construction material for high-temperature applications.
Quartz glass tubes are available in diameters ranging from 3 to approx. 1000 mm and lengths up to approx. 5 m (by agreement). Quartz glass rods are available in diameters from 2mm up to 100mm (length according to agreement and demand). Likewise, the finishing of tubes and rods is possible in any option: furnace (snap) cut, machine cut, calibrated, fire-glazed.
Depending on your requirements, we can supply quartz glass tubes and rods made of natural or synthetic quartz glass. Likewise, doping of tubes is possible to optimize or prevent transmissions in certain wavelength ranges.
Possible applications (examples):
- Chemical industry
- Electrical engineering
- Plant and (laboratory) equipment construction
- Process tubes for the semiconductor and solar industry
- Material for light guides and lamp bulbs
- High temperature processes
We can supply you with the tube or rod best suited to your application and requirements, as we cooperate with all the world's leading manufacturers.
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